Friday, May 4, 2012

Timeless style is True style

Hear ye! Hear ye! Welcome one, welcome all to my new blog. A place where you'll enjoy the beauty of style and be inspired to live your authentic life.

I named this blog Timeless is Style not only because Style is Timeless was taken, by someone who's not even using it mind you! but I digress.. but because I've always been passionate about all things chic and stylish and would love to share my point of view with you all.

Timeless style is True Style because it doesn't follow trends. It doesn't allow the world's definition of "what's in" to dictate how you express yourself. It's practical because you invest in pieces that can be worn/used for all seasons, though in different ways. We are called to be a peculiar people. Besides who the heck wants to walk around looking like everyone else all the time???!! Okay maybe that's just me...

I've struggled with writing this blog because I've always wondered if caring about style was too self-absorbed. But I've since learned 1st- not to care so much about others opinion of me and 2nd- to trust the inherent gifts that God has given me and believe that they can be used to help others.

I promise to blog frequently, if you promise to read and comment often :)

For now, have a look at some examples of timeless, eclectic fashion pieces. Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Nice!
    BTW I LOVE the sound of music.
    So long, farewell, auf Wiedersehen, goodbye
    Goodbye, goodbye, goodbye
