Tuesday, June 12, 2012

How Bad Do You Really Want It?

I sucked the middle fingers on my left hand until I was 14 years old.  My fingers and a soft pillow were all I needed to believe life was good.  My Mom would ask me to give up the habit, tried taping my fingers at night, nothing worked.  She started sending me to spend the summer with my cousins in Canada.  Since my ego hated getting teased I gave up my habit while I was with my cousins.  The desire not be teased was GREATER than my desire for my bad habit. When I returned home the first year I picked up my pillow and fell right back in.  But after my second summer a voice within said "Rochelle you don't miss it during the summer so why not just keep it going while your home dummy!"

We all need to apply this concept to our dreams and goals.  Is the desire for your own home greater than the desire to shop and travel?  What about your own business versus the security of a weekly paycheck?  Your target weight versus hating exercise?  How bad do you really want your dream fulfilled?  Do you really, really want it?  With every tear, sweat drop, beat of your heart?  We all say YES, YES, YES!  But if we really did, shouldn't it be as easy as dropping my "suck finga" habit?

Let's be honest with ourselves today and everyday. Let's trade in our bad habits for the things we really want (and deserve) out of life.  I want the abundant life Jesus died for me to have.  Let's Go!

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