Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's never too late

Today I found a copy sheet from a book I read 10 years ago. At the time I was demoralized at work, so I'd visit the library on my lunch hour and target books about finding work you can love.
In the book Second Acts by Stephen M. Pollan he explains that it's never too late to change your career and warns of comparing your journey to someone else's. It's kind of long but these were my highlighted paragraphs that I'm impressed to share with you..

Just Row and Leave the Steering to God

We are all unique individuals. Our journeys are all different. In order to succeed in your Second Act, you need to let go of the tiller and concentrate instead on the oars. Don't try to predict your path through life. Second acts are rarely straight lines or steady climbs up ladders; they are unique journeys into your heart and soul. Just put one foot in front of the other. There is no such thing as wasted movement or going in the wrong direction.

Jane Parker, a thirty-seven year old, has learned to trust God's navigation. She has gone from undergraduate English major in Florida, to waitress in Europe, to MBA student in California, to international marketing consultant. Her circuitous path seems to have led to her dream Second Act. She's now assistant headmaster of a private prep school in Connecticut.

A tiller is used to steer the boat while the oars give the energy needed to advance. How encouraging to know that my resume and the things that I'm passionate about, will all lead to God's fulfilling plan for my life. If I just row and leave the steering to him.

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