Tuesday, July 24, 2012

My first role model

As little girls our first role model is our Mom. We learn how to carry ourselves not only by listening to warnings of bad choices, but by watching and unconsciously emulating our mothers. I loved watching her get dressed. She loved to sew our clothes but time didn't always allow so sometimes we'd shop till we dropped! She taught me how to find a bargain, that proper fit was the most important thing and how to store and take care of my clothes.

When my Mom passed, a friend who grew up in the same church as I did sent me a beautiful message. I'm sharing part of it along with some vintage pictures of my Mommy. I thank God for sending me to this earth through her. Everything in our lives is for a reason. Nothing is wasted. I miss her terribly.

May God continue to rock you in the cradle of His arms today and for always. Be strong. Live the evident Christian legacy that your mom lived. She was the epitome of a sophisticated Christian woman. That banner has been passed down to you.

With sincerest compassion,

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