Thursday, July 11, 2013

People are Idiots

I am in the midst of making a change to my degree program that will raise the stakes in my education and create more challenges. I've been gathering advice from peers and scholars for the last two months but had been dragging my feet on sealing the deal. A friend sent this quote to me today that lit a fire beneath my behind.

" Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wished we didn't". - Erica Jong

We've all been in the position of needing to make a decision and take action, but we procrastinate by convincing ourselves we need to do more research. We solicit advice from every friend we have only to find most of them suggesting we shouldn't aim that high. "You sure girl that's going to be hard, try the safer route".

Pray, ask a trusted peer for advice and spend a of couple hours in the library or on the Internet researching... that's it! Take action with what you already know in your heart in the right thing to do. 

That's the decision I made today. Then, as always happens, confirmation found me with this speech from Soledad O'Brien. People are Idiots. You already know what to do.. Do it!!

Check it out:

Inspiration is timeless. Enjoy,


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