Monday, January 7, 2013

Old Passions and New Beginnings

This weekend I planned a farewell event for one of my Pastors. It turned out beautifully so I was pleased, but it caused me to reflect on the last decade of my life.

My husband and I have a side hustle catering business and I am a formally trained floral designer. I left my corporate job in 2003 to pursue my passion for flowers, ran a floral studio for several years and walked away from it in 2011 to take our Events business to the next level... or so I thought. Two months later my Mom died and my desire for florals and events went with her. I was completely lost, walking the streets of New York, sitting for hours in the park, overwhelmed with grief and worried about where my career was headed. But as I dug into my relationship with God, he spoke to me through many "strange coincidences". The gift of my mother's passing was that it forced me to be still and listen to the revealed will of God for my life.

It's still hard for me to believe, but in a couple of weeks I'll be attending graduate school to pursue my new goal of Christian Counselor. I'd been receiving hints that this is God's plan for me for years but he needed my character to grow so that I'd be healthy enough to help others. Tackling a new career and meeting tons of challenges matured me and taught me to trust and obey God no matter what. So my career path from journalism (my undergraduate degree) to telecommunications to floral design to seminary graduate student, all with a love of fashion mixed in doesn't perplex me. God will use everything that I am to bring him glory and bless me in the process.

So I salute Old Passions and New Beginnings!! Allow God to do a new thing in your life. Never let people box you into your past. Expand your territory no matter what your age.


P.S. Enjoy of couple of pics from the event.

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