Wednesday, December 5, 2012

But Why?

As the New Year approaches I know most of us will be contemplating our current place in life. Career,  Family... What can I do to have more joy every day? Well since Jesus is the only one who can give you real joy, (praise break: HAL-LE-LU-JAH!!), and we are all doing our best every day to be like him, what practical steps can we take to move upward?

This quote inspired me to write this post:
Are the actions you take significance driven or service driven?

In other words, is your motivation for the choices you make, an attempt to feel that you matter in this world or because you know you have something unique to give to others without expecting anything in return? 

 When I took the leap from corporate to becoming a florist it was motivated by lifestyle. My intentions were pure. I was using my creative gifts in service but my main reason for doing it was to have my own freedom at work, so I could proudly say I have my OWN business when asked that dreaded question at social events "what do you do?" I thought these things would make me feel successful.  Instead, I often lacked peace knowing that something was missing. Over the last year I've been led to a new career path with new motivation. It's a purpose that's been with me all along, but I was too caught up in being comfortable to see it. It's my mission and I will share it with you over the next couple of weeks.

 In the interim, while contemplating your next move please ask yourself.. Am I doing this to mainly serve myself or someone else?

The greatest among you will be your servant.  For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted. ~Matthew 23: 11,12

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