Popping pimples is one of my worst habits. I squeeze them to get rid of the whitehead and then continue to pick at the scab as it's attempting to heal. This process results of course in a dark mark on what used to be pretty clear skin. Why the heck am I sharing this with you? Because in my loopy mind it's a great analogy for our lives.
Once a pimple emerges, we are supposed to leave it alone and let it take its natural course. The same applies for most of our challenges. As Timothy Wright sings "Trouble don't last always". If we hold our peace our problems will resolve themselves in time, but we don't have patience. So we pop the pimple with force and when a scab appears as a result of the injury, we can't stand the way it looks to others so we keep picking to present a facade of a perfect life (my bad I meant perfect skin).
What life challenges are you preventing from taking their natural course? Trying to get your children or significant other to act right? Your maturity and growth was a process so why shouldn't they be given the same timespan? Had some bad things happen to you as an innocent child? Stop re-injuring yourself by replaying the scenes over and over in your head. The fact that you're still here means you survived and you're healed. Let's rest in God and MOVE ON people.
Let the ugly pimple clear up on its own. No need to look perfect for anyone. Besides, the ones who criticize your pimples have probably got larger blemishes just waiting to surface, HA!
Hope this Timeless Inspiration was a blessing, walk good!
- Roe
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